About Jennifer

Hi, I'm Jennifer.

I’ve been trading Forex since 2001. My trading technique is simple and objective using moving averages and MACD to identify repetition in price movement.

The secret to success in trading is knowing that the market can only do 2 things – it can trend or it can range. We can anticipate market behavior and price movment based on the repetitous trending patterns or ranging patterns. This makes it easy to pinpoint timing for entering and exiting trades.

I have helped hundreds of traders go from random trading and random results, to logical anticipation of market movement and repeatable results.

When you’re ready to stop being distracted, I will help you find your focus, too.

I Trade Forex

I trade “The majors,” mostly EUR/USD, every morning between 7:00 and 11:30 am Eastern Time. I love to see the patterns emerge as the day begins.

I Build Custom Indicators

I build custom indicators and trading programs to make it easier to identify and trade my strategies. You can use them too. No extra charge.

I Teach

I love to teach trading strategies. I also occasionally take on a private student for more in depth development of Forex trading as a personal business.

Your success brings me happiness.

Jennifer Signature